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They Can Fix That Have you ever looked at a badly damaged wall, floor, or ceiling and just wondered to yourself, "How will I ever fix that?" Well, you might not be able to, but that doesn't mean you should be without hope. Damage contractors fix extensive damage for a living. It's amazing what they can make right again. They can take an earthquake-shaken building and make it look like new. They can take a fire-damaged kitchen and make it shine. Damage contractors can point at something and confidently say "I can fix that." This blog is all about them and the work that they do.





Inspecting Your Asphalt Shingles: 3 Signs That Your Roof Needs To Be Replaced

Knowing when your asphalt roof needs to be replaced is an important part of avoiding issues, such as water damage that can cause a leak. Thankfully, it is possible to determine when the time has come to replace your shingles without waiting for your roof to leak. The best way to accomplish this task is to take the time to inspect your roof for damage and signs of wear and tear a few times a year. If you are not comfortable performing this inspection yourself, most roofing contractors will offer this service at a very reasonable price. 

When inspecting your roof it is vital that you know exactly what to look for since damage to your shingles may not always be as obvious as cracked or missing shingles. Continue reading to learn more about three of the most common signs of damage that will indicate your roof is in need of replacement or repair. If you spot any of these signs when inspecting your roof, be sure to reach out to a local roofing contractor right away to schedule an appointment for a roof replacement.

The Growth Of Mold Or Mildew

When asphalt shingles become damaged, they will often trap moisture underneath the shingle each time it rains. This moisture allows for the growth of mold and mildew on your roof. In addition to the negative impact this can have on the curb appeal of your home, the presence of excess moisture beneath your shingles can also result in the underlying structure beginning to rot and ultimately cause structural damage that is time-consuming and expensive to repair. That is why it is so important that you address the issue of mold or mildew growth on your roof as soon as possible. 

Dark Or Shiny Spots

Your asphalt shingles are covered in what is known as granules. These granules basically look like dark-colored sand and work to help prevent damage to the base of the shingle while also preventing your roof from becoming excessively slippery. Over time these granules can be knocked loose as a result of rain, hail, high winds, and other types of severe weather or impact. When this happens the underlying shingle will be far more susceptible to damage and will typically need to be replaced. The structure beneath the shingle may have also suffered unseen damage if the granule loss was the result of impact. Shingles that have suffered significant granule loss will typically appear dark or shiny when inspecting them from the ground. 

Curling Edges

Another common sign that your shingles have been seriously damaged is that they will begin curling along the edges. This damage is often the result of moisture that is trapped behind the shingles that are located above the curled shingles along the slope of your roof. As the moisture drains down the slope of the roof it will cause the lower shingles to begin lifting and curling. Consequently, simply replacing the damaged shingles will often fail to correct the underlying issue. This is why a full roof replacement is often recommended when dealing with this type of damage. 
