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They Can Fix That Have you ever looked at a badly damaged wall, floor, or ceiling and just wondered to yourself, "How will I ever fix that?" Well, you might not be able to, but that doesn't mean you should be without hope. Damage contractors fix extensive damage for a living. It's amazing what they can make right again. They can take an earthquake-shaken building and make it look like new. They can take a fire-damaged kitchen and make it shine. Damage contractors can point at something and confidently say "I can fix that." This blog is all about them and the work that they do.





House Flooding? Why To Leave It To The Professionals

One of the major causes of catastrophic damage to homes is flooding. Even after the flood waters recede, the danger is not gone. Restoring your home without professional help can result in additional damage and safety concerns.

Initial Safety

If you ever experience indoor flooding, the first safety precaution is to leave the residence as soon as you can. Depending on the reason for the flooding, your ability to leave the residence may be compromised. If you are in the middle of a severe storm or flash flood, try to move to higher ground as much as you can, even if it means getting on the roof. There are several issues why you don't want to walk in flood water, even if it's not deep. The water can be contaminated and lead to infections, there may be dangerous animals in the flood waters like water moccasins and the risk of electrocution is also high. Even if your home is the only one flooding, you cannot return until the electric and gas lines are turned off. Once it is safe, you can return to your residence and start assessing the damage and taking any items that are salvageable.


It can be difficult for a resident to adequately dry a flooded home on their own. Whenever possible, porous flooring materials like carpets are better removed than attempting to try them. The excess water will need to be pumped out to speed up the process. Once standing water has been removed, industrial floor driers are necessary to dry out the floors and walls as much as possible. Depending on the extent of flooding, humidity, and temperature the process can take days. Unfortunately, once the floors and walls are dry to the touch, it doesn't mean they are completely dry. Any residual water will not only facilitate mold growth, but it can cause structural decay. A water restoration professional will be more knowledgeable about what is truly dry and what parts need to be replaced.


Your home may need significant replacements. In addition to the floor, the walls and their insulation may be prone to mold growth. It may be easier and less expensive to have the floor replaced because it can be impossible to determine whether the underlayment is damp and has sufficiently dried. If the floor is replaced, all the old flooring and underlayment can be removed and industrial floor dryers can be used to ensure the area under the flooring is dry and not a mold hazard. At a minimum, the walls up to the flood line may need to be replaced. Removing the current wall and insulation makes it easier to completely dry the wall and can eliminate any concerns about water wicking up the wall beyond the flood line and going unnoticed.

Many homeowners prefer to deal with flooding on their own, but this is a safety concern due to fire and electrocution hazards, and mold growth. Since the stakes are high with indoor flooding, leaving the process to the professionals will result in a better restoration.

Contact a local water restoration service to get started.
