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They Can Fix That Have you ever looked at a badly damaged wall, floor, or ceiling and just wondered to yourself, "How will I ever fix that?" Well, you might not be able to, but that doesn't mean you should be without hope. Damage contractors fix extensive damage for a living. It's amazing what they can make right again. They can take an earthquake-shaken building and make it look like new. They can take a fire-damaged kitchen and make it shine. Damage contractors can point at something and confidently say "I can fix that." This blog is all about them and the work that they do.





4 Areas Of Your Home That Need Waterproofing And Why

Are you having frequent mold problems in your home? It is a sign of persistent moisture infiltration through the floor or walls. Moisture penetration poses a big risk to your family's health and house structural integrity. It encourages mold growth, which causes respiratory problems. It also weakens walls, causes cracking and crumbling. The best antidote for moisture infiltration is waterproofing. There are areas in your home that should be top candidates for waterproofing:


The lowest area in your home is the most vulnerable to moisture problems. Accumulated floodwater on the outside can percolate through tiny cracks into the basement. Water from the upper house levels will flow downwards and settle at the lowest point. There is also a poor flow of air and no sunlight, which slows down evaporation from this level. 

Basement waterproofing makes the walls and floor resistant against moisture infiltration from underground and the surrounding soil. It is also helpful in sealing tiny cracks and fissures through which insects get into the basement. 


The bathroom has high moisture levels, especially when people take hot baths and showers. While tile flooring may be water-resistant,  the moisture can damage paint and wood surfaces. Cracks in the walls and tile grout can also provide leakage paths for moisture to other areas in the house.  

Waterproofing the bathroom involves sealing the tiling grout to cover any cracks that let water seep below the floorboards. You should apply waterproof paint on bathroom walls and ceilings to avoid damage from vapor condensation. 


The roof gets high exposure to moisture as rain, snow, and ice. It must be completely waterproofed to protect the structure underneath. Otherwise, moisture infiltration through the roof can cause heavy damage and extensive growth.  

There should be waterproofing at all joints, especially along the flashing. It makes the roof more robust in protecting the house and your family. It also ensures the roof lives to its expected service life. 


The kitchen has high humidity from cooking foods and water from cleaning foods, utensils, and appliances. Water seeping from the sink to the cabinetry below can cause mold growth, while cracked countertops let water accumulate under them. 

Waterproofing the kitchen focuses on areas where there are joints, for example, between the sink and the cabinetry. You should also waterproof the tile grouting. Waterproofing the kitchen is very important to avoid toxic mold infestation, which can cause food poisoning. 

Is your house having moisture infiltration problems? Call a company like 1-800-BUSY-DOG to assess moisture damage and waterproofing solutions. 
